Information you need
If you experience heavy periods, irregular bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding, or any other abnormal bleeding, it's important that you seek medical attention as soon as possible. The staff at Bosque Women’s Care is available to answer your questions and make sure you receive the treatment you need to remain healthy and active.
What causes abnormal bleeding?
Abnormal bleeding is most often the result of a hormone imbalance or changes in the uterus like fibroids or polyps. Hormone imbalances can be caused by some medications, stress, or severe or chronic illnesses.
Another cause of abnormal bleeding can be a miscarriage. If you believe there is any possibility that you were pregnant and had a miscarriage, it's imperative that you see your provider immediately. They will be able to determine the exact cause of the bleeding and offer an appropriate treatment plan.
Can hormone-based birth control help control heavy vaginal bleeding?
Hormone-based birth control is often recommended to control heavy vaginal bleeding associated with irregular periods. If your provider determines that the problems you're having with your periods are associated with a possible hormonal imbalance, oral contraceptives and other forms of hormone-based birth control may be able to help control them.
Using birth control to manage your periods will keep them more regular and keep the bleeding from being excessive. In most cases, hormone replacement therapy can control peri-menopausal bleeding as well.
Why should I consider endometrial ablation?
Uterine ablation techniques treat the lining of the uterus to help with heavy periods. The goal of ablation is to get back to “normal” periods, but some women are lucky enough not to have any periods at all after ablation. At Bosque Women’s Care we usually offer Novasure endometrial ablation, which is performed with Radio Frequency energy. This type of ablation has been shown through years of studies to be the safest and most effective.
Because ablation permanently affects the lining of the uterus, pregnancy is not advised after this procedure. Therefore, excellent birth control is required before scheduling. This may include tubal ligation (“tied tubes”), vasectomy, abstinence, or long-term infertility.
Ablation can be a simple, office-based procedure to solve heavy bleeding problems without having to have a hysterectomy.